DIGINEXT - Ship Navigation Systems and Tactical Data Links

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Company Name:DIGINEXT - Ship Navigation Systems and Tactical Data Links
Contact Person:DIGINEXT
Country: France
Phone:+33 4 42 90 82 82

DIGINEXT - Ship Navigation Systems and Tactical Data Links

DIGINEXT is a human-scaled and high technology company that is internationally-renowned for its expertise in the development of innovative technical solutions, the integration of complex systems and the design of high value products for defence applications in the following competences:

  • Tactical data links: DIGINEXT is today recognized by the global data link community as the leading provider of TDL products to be used for simulation, test, training and operational environments
  • Navigation: DIGINEXT is also recognized as one of the major French players for the design of tomorrow's navigation systems
  • Innovation:  DIGINEXT focuses its search and development effort on sea wave propagation use for defence systems

Tactical data links

Since 1996, DIGINEXT has focused on providing the most innovative tactical data link test and training solutions to the global data link community.

DIGINEXT's line of products encompasses:

  • TACTX, our multilink simulation and test tool, to support TDL capable host development cycle, to evaluate data link implementation compliance with the standards and to verify platform's interoperability with Nato forces
  • STARLINX, our multilink standalone system, to provide instant TDL capability on any type of platforms
  • SOLSTICE, our complete facility based on both live and simulated environments to train fighter pilots use the full range of L16 functionalities within operational context

Ship navigation systems

DIGINEXT's ship navigation system product line covers the whole vessel's navigation chain, and includes sensors; data processing , distribution and display systems; and test tools.

Navigation sensors

Our range of navigation sensors includes:

  • Military GPS receiver - an advanced and modular-designed SAASM-compliant military GPS receiver for ship applications
  • Digital LORAN C receiver, which implements the most advanced dynamic signal processing algorithms: designed for SSBN applications where the requirements for range and integrity are critical, DIGINEXT's LORAN C receiver offers a more robust, accurate and available navigation solution than traditional technologies

Navigation data processing, distribution and display

Our range of navigation data processing, distribution and display products includes:

  • Navigation data distribution system (NDDS) - controlled by intelligent software capability, the NDDS acts as a gateway to interface with all on-board navigation sensors, to merge and correlate incoming data, and to distribute own ship reference navigation information to client systems as per required content and protocol
  • NAV repeater - provides on-board users with the ability to display all relevant navigation and environmental information. Flexible interfacing allows the system to be inserted on the ship's navigation network using either standard (eg: NMEA) or customised data link

Navigation system test tools

The NDDS ToolBox provides an external and compact test device to stimulate all NDDS hardware interfaces and verify that the system's elementary functions are in service.

Future radar system development

DIGINEXT is currently developing next-generation radar technology, including beyond-the-horizon systems using sea wave propagation. DIGINEXT is leading the STRADIVARIUS consortium for the development of a new concept of a HF surface wave radar for the surveillance of maritime approaches beyond the horizon. The project is certified and supported by competitiveness clusters "Pole Mer PACA & Bretagne". A demonstrator has already been implemented on the Mediterranean coast.

Other collaborative industrial projects we are involved include:

  • Antenna systems
  • Waveforms
  • Broadband communications
  • Signal processing


Contact Details

45 Impasse de la Draille
P.A. La Duranne
13857 Aix en Provence Cedex 3
Tel: 33 4 42 90 82 82
Fax: 33 4 42 90 82 80
Email: sales@diginext.fr
URL: www.diginext.fr

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